Reference Guide

Getting Started

Basic Config
Security Config
Log Config
Taglib Config
Misc resin.conf
Host resin.conf
Port resin.conf
App resin.conf
 Port and Protocol Configuration

Host resin.conf
App resin.conf

accept-buffer-sizeNumber of sockets in the accept buffer
dead-timeFor load balancing, how long the server should treat a dead server as dead before retrying it
hostSpecifies an interface for the http or srun to listen to
httpDefines a HTTP or SSL port for the standalone server
live-timeFor load balancing, how long the server should keep an idle srun connection open before closing it
portSpecifies the port the http or srun should listen to
request-timeoutTime in seconds for a connection to timeout
serverConfigures a custom protocol server
srunDefines multiple client machines for load balancing
srun-backupDefines backup client machines for load balancing
sslFlags a http or srun to use SSL
sslv2Enables or disables SSL v2 for a SSL port
sslv3Enables or disables SSL v3 for a SSL port
tcp-no-delaySets the tcpNoDelay for received sockets
tlsv1Enables or disables TLS v1 for a SSL port
verify-clientConfigures how SSL should treat client certificates

Port Configuration


Number of sockets in the accept buffer.

Default: 256


Defines a HTTP or SSL port for the standalone server.

idhttp identifier name
hostThe listening host
portThe listening port
virtual-hostVirtual host to select a host block.
sslenable ssl
ssl2enable SSLv2true
ssl3enable SSLv3true
tls1enable TLSv1true
key-store-typeJSSE Type of the key store (default jks)
key-store-fileJSSE File containing the certificates
key-store-passwordJSSE Password to read the certificates
certificate-chain-fileOpenSSL certificate chain (Resin 2.1.4)
certificate-fileOpenSSL certificate (Resin 2.0.5)
certificate-key-fileOpenSSL key certificate (Resin 2.0.5)
certificate-key-passwordOpenSSL key password (Resin 2.1.1)
crypto-deviceOpenSSL engine (Resin 2.0.5)
thread-maxMaximum number of live threads.200
thread-minMinimum number of live threads.5
thread-keepaliveNumber of keepalive threads100
request-timeoutMax time for a request, after this the request will be interrupted.65 sec
listenValue of the socket listen parameter5
accept-buffer-sizeNumber of sockets in the accept buffer.256
shutdown-wait-timeHow long to wait for connections to finish before exiting.10 sec.
Basic HTTP configuration
    <http port='8080'>
JSSE configuration
    <http port='8443'>


For load balancing, how long the server should treat a dead server as dead before retrying it.

Default: Defaults to 5 sec.


Specifies an interface for the http or srun to listen to. In cases where the server should not listen at all interfaces on a multihomed host, the <host> tag will restrict Resin to listen to one interface.

Default: listen to all interfaces.


For load balancing, how long the server should keep an idle srun connection open before closing it. <live-time> must be less than <request-timeout>.

Default: Defaults to 10 sec.


Specifies the port the http or srun should listen to. Most HTTP web servers listen to port 80.


Time in seconds for a connection to timeout. An idle client uses a TCP connection until it quits. request-timeout limits the time taken up by idle clients.

Default: Defaults to 65 sec.


Configures a custom protocol server. Some specialized application may have a custom protocol, like IMAP, which need to be integrated with the Resin server. These ports can be configured with the <server> configuration.

The <request-factory> class implements com.caucho.server.RequestFactory and creates request objects of type com.caucho.server.Request. Each Request will handle the protocol on the given socket.

    <server id='a' port='9999'>
      <init-param foo='bar'/>


Defines multiple client machines for load balancing. This directive used by the web server (Apache or IIS) and by the Java portion of Resin.

Each srun directive adds a new client to receive load balanced requests. With Resin 1.2, the resin.conf must have at least one <srun> or <http> element.

idsrun identifier name.none
hostThe host name of the client srun.all interfaces
portThe port name of the client srun.none
connect-timeoutHow long to wait for a connection from the web server to the Resin srun before giving up.30 sec
live-timeHow long the web-server/srun connection should stay live.10 sec
dead-timeHow long before checking that a srun has come back up.5 sec
timeoutHow long the load balancing server should wait for a response.30 sec
thread-maxMaximum number of live threads.200
thread-minMinimum number of live threads.5
thread-keepaliveNumber of keepalive threads100
request-timeoutMax time for a request, after this the request will be interrupted.65 sec
listenValue of the socket listen parameter5
accept-buffer-sizeNumber of sockets in the accept buffer.256
shutdown-wait-timeHow long to wait for connections to finish before exiting.10 sec.
Load balance over three machines
    <srun id='a' host='' port='6802'>
    <srun id='b' host='' port='6802'>
    <srun id='c' host='' port='6803'>

To start srun 'a' use a command line like

unix> -server a
Resin 2.1.0
srun listening to

On Unix, when starting a daemon, you'll need to specify a unique pid file.

unix> -server a -pid start


Defines backup client machines for load balancing. This directive is only picked up by the load balancer. The Java portion of Resin treats a <srun-backup> like any other srun. Normally, <srun-backup> is only used when each web server has a primary <srun> in preference to other <srun> JVMs. See the load-balancing section for more information.

idsrun identifier namenone
hostThe host name of the client srunall interfaces
portThe port name of the client srunnone
connect-timeoutHow long to wait for a connection from the web server to the Resin srun before giving up.30 sec
live-timeHow long a keepalive connection will remain alive before closing.5 sec.
dead-timeHow long to treat a non-responding srun before trying again.5 sec.
shutdown-wait-timeHow long to wait for connections to finish before exiting.10 sec.


Flags a http or srun to use SSL.

Resin supports SSL with either JSSE or OpenSSL on Unix systems. We generally recommend using ssl="openssl" since it's faster and more stable.

Resin's OpenSSL uses the same certificates as Apache, so you can either reuse your Apache certificate or get a new certificate using the instructions for getting an Apache certificate.

If you have OpenSSL-engine and Resin 2.0.5, you can enable SSL engines using the crypto-device tag. If the JNI libraries are available, Resin will use OpenSSL's C-based implementation.

sslenable ssl ="jsse" or ="openssl"
key-store-typeJSSE Type of the key store (default jks)
key-store-fileJSSE File containing the certificates
key-store-passwordJSSE Password to read the certificates
certificate-chain-fileOpenSSL certificate chain (Resin 2.1.4)
certificate-fileOpenSSL certificate (Resin 2.0.5)
certificate-key-fileOpenSSL key certificate (Resin 2.0.5)
crypto-deviceOpenSSL engine (Resin 2.0.5)

  <http port='443'>


Enables or disables SSL v2 for a SSL port. If sslv2 is false, clients trying to use SSL v2 will fail.

Default: true.


Enables or disables SSL v3 for a SSL port. If sslv3 is false, clients trying to use SSL v3 will fail.

Default: true.


Sets the tcpNoDelay for received sockets.

Default: true.


Enables or disables TLS v1 for a SSL port. If tlsv1 is false, clients trying to use TLS v1 will fail.

Default: true.


Configures how SSL should treat client certificates.

verify-client values
noneDo not use client certificates
requireRequire a client certificate
optionalUse the client certificate if provided, but require any provided certificate to be signed by a known CA.
optional_no_caUse the client certificate if provided and accept certificates not signed by known CAs.

Default: none.

Host resin.conf
App resin.conf
Copyright © 1998-2002 Caucho Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Resin® is a registered trademark, and HardCoretm and Quercustm are trademarks of Caucho Technology, Inc.